Booking Pace Report

The Booking Pace Report allows you to analyze your revenue and occupancy between two time periods by showing your pacing over a specified Date range, allowing you to compare your previous room usage and revenue with the current usage and revenue, and make revenue forecasts for the future. The report captures how many individual and block reservations were on the books on any specific day, and enables you to track booking trends to maximize revenues. You may specify the amount of time (monthly or yearly) to show in the report. This allows management to analyze if the booking pace is ahead or behind last year. The Booking Pace Report can be utilized if desired to group MULTIPLE Property information together into a single report, as well as individual Properties in separate reports.

The Booking Pace Report command can be found in the Managers Reports section of the main Reports Area, as well as the Reports section of the Sales and Catering Area of Skyware.

If your Property does not currently have our Sales and Catering Module and you are interested in adding it, please contact us at



Date Updated June 15, 2021